
Goddess is the 5th film from writer/director, Jonah Alva. The film follows a girl who becomes a fan of a music artist who goes by the name, Kalypso. Overtime the liking of the artist turns into an obsession after she creates a Instagram page dedicated to Kalypso.


Cast & Crew

@KalypsoDaily - Lily Amaturo

Kalypso - Jay De La Cruz

Becky - Crystal Li

Newscaster - Max Troia

Writer/Director/Producer - Jonah Alva

Director of Photography - Erik Gross

Editor - Sophia Montoya

Boom Operator - Leo Teja


so far…


Goddess is the 5th short film from writer/director, Jonah Alva. The film follows a girl who becomes a fan of a music artist who goes by the name, Kalypso. Overtime the liking of the artist turns into an obsession after she creates a Instagram page dedicated to Kalypso. OUT NOW!

Cast & Crew

@kalypsoDaily - Lily Amaturo

Kalypso - Jay De La Cruz

Becky - Crystal Li

Newscaster - Max Troia

Writer/Director/ - Jonah Alva


DoP - Erik Gross

Editor - Sophia Montoya

Boom Operator - Leo Teja


so far…